Practical Life
The students learn to care for the environment through a variety of specific tasks involving pouring, and spooning. Students learn to care for themselves through such tasks as buttoning and tying while also learning to care for the environment through such tasks as polishing and washing.
The sensorial environment in our classrooms helps the students to refine various perceptual discriminations in all five senses such as size, color, shape, texture, sound, taste and smell.
Within the classrooms, the language arts are organized into the categories of listening, speaking, writing, and reading. The students practice skills in classification, visual discrimination, vocabulary development, and auditory discrimination. The students are also introduced to various languages at a baisc entry-level.
Art & Music
Art is an important part of our program as students learn to cut, paint, and glue using a wide variety of materials such as scissors and paintbrushes. In addition, the students explore songs and dance rhythms through the use of music and musical instruments.
Through interactions with various materials in our classrooms, the students manipulate objects that introduce the understanding of mathematical concepts. Activities in this area include pattering, measuring, size classifications and numeral, quantity recognition and addition.
Gross Motor
Our weekly physical education program called "Hot Shots" with Mr. Dave is a mandatory and integral part of our Montessori program. The students learn and build gross motor development skills through the acts of tumbling, balancing activities, ball throwing as well as many other fun and exciting activities.